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Legislators Hall of Fame
Dr. Richard Bond 2006 Legislators Hall of Fame

Dr. Bond was educated in the public schools of his native state of West Virginia, graduating from Salem (WV) College and  West Virginia University, and receiving his Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Wisconsin.  In his academic career he served as dean or vice president at Elmira College (NY), Cornell University, the University of Liberia and Illinois State University.  He was President of the University of Northern Colorado from 1971-1981.

He was elected to the Colorado General Assembly in 1984 where he served three terms, in two of which he was a member of the Joint Budget Committee.  He authored the Colorado Post Secondary Options Act and other education- and health-related legislation.  Following retirement from UNC and the legislature, he successively became Interim President of Front Range Community College, President of Morgan Community College and the Greeley/Weld Community Foundation.  He currently serves as an elected trustee of Aims Community College and the University Schools, a charter school.

An author of several publications, he is the founder of the National Student Exchange Program, which now exchanges about 4500 students annually among some 150 colleges and university across the country and the founder of the Colorado Democratic Leadership Council.  He has served on many community and state-wide charitable boards.  He and his wife of more than 60 years have 4 adult children and five grandchildren.

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